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Puestow Procedure (Drainage Procedure for Chronic Pancreatitis): An In-Depth Overview


Puestow Procedure (Drainage Procedure for Chronic Pancreatitis): An In-Depth Overview

Puestow Procedure (Drainage Procedure for Chronic Pancreatitis): An In-Depth Overview


The Puestow procedure, also known as a lateral pancreaticojejunostomy or simply drainage procedure, is a surgical intervention primarily used to treat chronic pancreatitis. This procedure aims to relieve pain and improve the quality of life for individuals suffering from this chronic inflammatory condition of the pancreas. In this article, we will explore the Puestow procedure in detail, including its indications, surgical techniques, recovery, and potential complications.

Puestow Procedure (Drainage Procedure for Chronic Pancreatitis): An In-Depth Overview

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Understanding Chronic Pancreatitis

Chronic pancreatitis is a progressive inflammatory condition characterized by the long-term inflammation and damage of the pancreas. This leads to the gradual loss of pancreatic function and the development of symptoms such as severe abdominal pain, malabsorption, weight loss, and diabetes. Treatment options for chronic pancreatitis depend on the severity of symptoms and may include lifestyle modifications, medications, and, in some cases, surgical intervention.

Puestow Procedure (Drainage Procedure for Chronic Pancreatitis): An In-Depth Overview

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Indications for the Puestow Procedure

The Puestow procedure is indicated for individuals with chronic pancreatitis who experience severe abdominal pain and obstruction of the pancreatic ducts due to scarring or strictures. Common indications include:

1. Intractable Pain: When pain is not adequately controlled with medications and significantly impairs the patient's quality of life.

2. Pancreatic Duct Obstruction: The presence of strictures or blockages in the pancreatic ducts that prevent the normal flow of digestive enzymes.

3. Recurrent Pancreatitis Attacks: Frequent episodes of acute pancreatitis despite conservative treatments.

Puestow Procedure (Drainage Procedure for Chronic Pancreatitis): An In-Depth Overview

Surgical Technique

The Puestow procedure involves several key surgical steps:

1. Anesthesia: The patient is placed under general anesthesia to ensure unconsciousness and pain relief during the surgery.

2. Incision: An incision is made in the abdomen, typically on the left side, to access the pancreas.

3. Exposure of Pancreatic Duct: The surgeon identifies the main pancreatic duct and, if necessary, removes any damaged tissue or stones obstructing the duct.

4. Creation of an Anastomosis: The surgeon then creates a connection (anastomosis) between the pancreatic duct and a loop of the small intestine (jejunum). This allows pancreatic juices to flow directly into the intestine, bypassing any strictures or obstructions.

5. Closure: After the anastomosis is complete, the incision is closed with sutures or surgical staples.

Puestow Procedure (Drainage Procedure for Chronic Pancreatitis): An In-Depth Overview

Recovery and Postoperative Care

Recovery following the Puestow procedure includes the following considerations:

1. Hospital Stay: Patients typically spend several days in the hospital for monitoring and postoperative care.

2. Pain Management: Pain medication is prescribed to manage postoperative discomfort.

3. Diet: Initially, patients may be on a clear liquid diet, gradually transitioning to a soft or regular diet as tolerated.

4. Enzyme Replacement: Some patients may require pancreatic enzyme replacement therapy to aid digestion.

5. Follow-Up: Regular follow-up appointments with the surgical team are crucial to monitor healing, assess for complications, and adjust treatment as needed.

Puestow Procedure (Drainage Procedure for Chronic Pancreatitis): An In-Depth Overview

Potential Complications

As with any surgical procedure, the Puestow procedure carries potential risks and complications, including:

1. Infection: Surgical site infections can occur and may require antibiotics.

2. Pancreatic Fistula: A connection between the pancreatic duct and the intestine may not heal properly, resulting in a pancreatic fistula. This may require further intervention.

3. Bleeding: Excessive bleeding may necessitate blood transfusions or reoperation.

4. Leakage: Leakage of digestive enzymes from the anastomosis site can lead to inflammation and infection.

5. Recurrence of Symptoms: While the Puestow procedure can provide significant relief, it may not eliminate all symptoms of chronic pancreatitis.

Puestow Procedure (Drainage Procedure for Chronic Pancreatitis): An In-Depth Overview


The Puestow procedure, or drainage procedure, is a surgical technique employed in the treatment of chronic pancreatitis when conservative measures fail to provide relief from severe abdominal pain and pancreatic duct obstructions. While it is an effective option for symptom management, it is not a cure for chronic pancreatitis, and patients may need ongoing medical and dietary management post-surgery. Close collaboration between patients, healthcare providers, and support services is essential to ensure proper postoperative care, manage potential complications, and optimize the quality of life for individuals with chronic pancreatitis.


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